W03 Reflection: Entrepreneurial Journal
This week I have learned many valuable lessons. I have
learned that it is extremely important to include the Lord in big decisions
that you are planning to make in your life. I have learned more about the importance
of ethics in the work place. In some of the study material that we were given,
it was pointed out that you should always be honest in a work environment. If
you do something that is wrong or deceitful, it will catch up to you. It will
come to the surface sooner or later. That is why it is better to make decisions
that you think are morally and ethically acceptable. This week we were given an
assignment to ponder and create a personal code of conduct. I really enjoyed
this assignment. I put a lot of thought and effort into this. I thought about
it throughout the week and I observed and pondered some of the decisions that
my coworkers have made. Some of the things that have happened at work this week
have helped me to really understand the things that I find most important. One
of the things that I put on my “I will always” list is “treat others with
respect, kindness, and empath, regardless of their background or position.” After
being in multiple situations where I have observed somebody breaking this rule,
I have decided that this is something that will help me in my career. Something
that I had on my “I will never” list was “participate in gossip or spreading
rumors that could harm the reputation or well-being of anybody.” Recently at
work, there has been some contention because some of my coworkers have been
saying things about other coworkers that would really damage their reputation.
It could potentially get them fired. After observing that situation, I have
decided that it would be better to stand up for the person that is being thrown
under the bus instead of sitting idly by and watching somebody’s reputation being
dragged through the mud.
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