W12 Reflection: Entrepreneurial Journal

 I have learned many great things from the material that we read and listened to this week. In the video with Sarah Endline, she talked a lot about how important it is to search and find gaps and opportunities where you can start a business. She talked about how important it is to really research your business before you decide to start it. Something that stuck out to me was “never get stuck in the mud”. To me it meant that sometimes you will not always be in control of what is going on, but you need to consistently be a problem solver. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you need to be a great problem solver. Running a business is not a spring, it is a marathon. One of the videos that really stuck out to me talked about how you don’t necessarily need to own your own business to help have a positive influence on the world. You can do great things wherever you are. In the video and talked about how you can make changes in ordinary things. She gave an example of how somebody turned their whole goal into improving coffee. Something that simple does not seem very exciting, but it is something that a lot of people are a part of. He thought that if he could just find a way to make it better, he would satisfy himself and many others. I think that we should all have a similar mindset. A lot of people think “how can I take advantage of this person or opportunity”, but they never think “How can improve this opportunity or person”. I think that if everybody shifted their mindset to improving the people and the things around them, the world would be a better place. I think that this study material has shown a lot of great things to me this week.


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